Finding ways to boost wellbeing and feel good at home are imperative towards maintaining healthy bodies and minds.

Getting creative at home is a great way to keep yourselves and your families entertained for hours, whilst stimulating those minds and taking a moment to relax and feel good. Enjoy our quick and easy-to-follow guides for fun, feel-good crafts using bits and pieces from around the house.

"Create at Home" projects are generally aimed at and adaptable for all ages or to participate in as a family, but some may be more age-appropriate than others.

We know that the start of the year has not been an easy one for us all and so today's post is aimed at giving you some things to look forward to and boost your wellbeing whilst we are keeping ourselves safe at home.

You will need:

  • Paper
  • Pencil
  • Colouring pencils
  • Pens
  • Rubber and Pencil sharpener if required

1. First Start by drawing a tree.  Keep the lines nice and simple so that you can write on them later.

2. You could keep your tree as a pencil drawing or colour it in. Some people find colouring in to be relaxing and so as part of making this Happiness tree, it could be some time to spend mindfully colouring in.

3. When you are ready, you can start to add to the branches some of the things that make you happy.  This could be eating good food, going for daily walks, whatever you want.  You could choose to add to it every week, and so by the end of the year, you have a full tree or do it all in one go. 

Just keep adding more branches until you are finished and put it up on a wall so that you can look at it whenever you want.