Finding ways to boost wellbeing and feel good at home are imperative towards maintaining healthy bodies and minds.

Getting creative at home is a great way to keep yourselves and your families entertained for hours, whilst stimulating those minds and taking a moment to relax and feel good. Enjoy our quick and easy-to-follow guides for fun, feel-good crafts using bits and pieces from around the house.

"Create at Home" crafts are generally aimed at and adaptable for all ages or to participate in as a family, but some crafts may be more age-appropriate than others.

Experiment with shape and colour by cutting shapes out of paper and arranging them into a composition - a technique famously used by Henry Matisse.

You will need:

  • A piece of plain paper
  • A selection of coloured papers
  • Patterned paper (optional)
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • A pencil (optional)

Got everything? Let's get started!

Cut and tear your paper into a selection of shapes of different sizes. Try a mixture of geometric shapes alongside more unusual shapes.

Arrange your shapes on your piece of paper. To make a good composition consider balance. Make sure there are enough shapes on each half of the paper. Arranging shapes in diagonals works really well for creating a dynamic composition. Remember you don’t have to use all of your shapes.

Glue your shapes down. Think carefully about the space around your shapes. This is known as negative space. If it is looking too empty add some more shapes. If it is looking too crowded you don’t have to stick everything down.

And you are finished. Don’t forget to share your artwork with us on social media.