Teen Twitter Takeover On 27 August we took part in Teen Twitter Takeover, this is an initiative led by Kids in Museums to encourage teenagers to be part of their local museums and was an event to gear up for Takeover Day in November. One of our teens who took over our Twitter account has written a blog of her experience. Here is Phoebe's blog - enjoy!On the 27 August 2014 I took part in a project which was, before that day, a completely new concept to me. Told I was taking part in a project called the ‘teen twitter takeover’, I was passed the social media reins and took over the twitter account at The Lightbox gallery and museum in Woking. After researching the project I was taking part in for the day, I understood that as part of an excellent new idea to get younger people into Museums; I was allowed to control the whole of The Lightbox’s twitter! I was allowed to post anything I liked, within reason, so I had to resist the temptation to post ridiculous photos of myself pulling various faces. Feeling slightly nervous about what to do on the account, what to say and not to say, The Lightbox staff were very friendly and helped me come up with a few ideas of what to start my ‘posting day’ off with. I was extremely excited to get started. It was lovely to see all the different museums taking part in the teen twitter day using #takeoverday and I felt very pleased to show the followers and the rest of Twitter the beauty and elegance of the museum and its exhibitions. I have been involved with The Lightbox since it opened and know how welcoming the staff are, both in the museum and café and Twitter take over day was no exception. Throughout my day I had a look around the exhibitions. ‘The Giant Electronic Art Show’ and ‘The Glamour on the Go’ exhibition were my favourite as both were such contrasting exhibitions, one was full of electronic gadgets such as a noisy ping pong table (you have to see it to believe it) that provide much entertainment and give a science museum experience and the other is a display of beauty and elegance in the form of compacts, lipstick and every other type of make-up imaginable. I really wanted to show this on Twitter, so took some pictures and videos on The Lightbox’s iPad to try at least to show just how much everyone on Twitter and beyond needs to come and experience these exhibitions for themselves. Throughout my day at The Lightbox I learnt that museums are perfect for the whole family, particularly teens. In the end I didn’t want to leave but Jake had arrived to also take part in the take-over day and the reins were passed on to him. I had a wonderful time at The Lightbox and hope they will have me back soon to take over their Twitter once more.